A few funny things

Bridget really got into her Halloween character as a lion...she has started growling. It is priceless! She does it all the time now and it cracks me up everytime.

Funny story about Mr. T:

T: Mom, I hate this song.
M: Whoa bud...we do NOT say "hate". It is not a nice word. We say things like, "dislike, I don't really like that, it's not my favorite" but we don't say hate.
Silence (Triston looking pensive)
T: Do you HATE it when I say "hate" mom?

One more story:
M: Triston you can't eat anymore of the cookie dough ok? Make a good choice please.
T: Ok mom, look away for a minute while I do something and when you look back I will make a good choice.
What a sneaky little rascal! :)


Lora Gooch said...

way too cute. Triston is getting quite sly isn't he? Love the Little Lion.

McCall said...

that is so funny. kids are so sneaky.... h aha. love it.

Collie Dawgs said...

I am busting up! I miss my niece and nephew!! AHHH! Love you all!

Brooke Deserae Winmill said...


I just learned how to make comments on this thing! I know...it's basic knowledge but I could not figure it out for so long! Your little stories about Triston and Bridget crack me up. keep them coming! Love ya!