So Triston had been climbing out of his crib for sometime but just a few weeks ago, he started jumping out! Every time I put him down for a nap, two seconds later I would hear crashing. Triston had once again flown out of his crib usually busting his chin or something. I decided it was getting way too dangerous for Triston to stay in a crib. So...we converted his bed into a "big boy" bed. He absolutely loves playing in it all day and wants to show it off to everyone. But, when nap time or bed time rolls around he wants nothing to do with his new big boy bed. I put him down, he gets out, I put him back, he gets back out. We are used to putting him in his bed and he is asleep, simple as that. Now the bedtime battle is taking about an hour and a half to two hours a night. Naps simply do not exist!! This week I have found that if I go run some errands around 3pm he will fall asleep in the car and I can usually transport him inside without him waking up. So he has been going to bed late, which means Quinn and I go to bed later than normal and he is waking up SOOOO early. He just comes walking into our room, puts his sweet little face right by mine and gives me a kiss and says "wake up mommy, its not dark outside." How can I get mad at that? I also have been trying to make sure we are INSANELY active all day so that he is totally exhausted by nap time. Unfortunately, the weather has not been great so it has been hard to go outside. A few days ago I resorted to taking all the pillows in the house and making a large pile on the side of the couch so he could jump onto it for a while (yes, I was desperate!). Thank goodness for places like Kangaroo Zoo that kids can go to even when its cold and burn all that energy! Needless to say, I am starting to get really tired and I am know Triston is too!!
Here is Triston's big boy bed. My dad made this bed for Triston and I can't thank him enough. It is so gorgeous and we won't have to buy Triston a bed because it will turn into a full when he out grows the toddler bed. Thanks again Dad!!!
So glad we were able to go play here since we couldn't go to the park. This place is a blast.
These slides are high! I went down a few and they were quite scary. Not to mention Triston always catches some air on these slides because he doesn't weigh that much.
So after our long play date yesterday I was sure Triston would want to take a nap, not so. I had to hold the door shut while he cried for a little while and eventually fell asleep on the floor. I didn't even take a chance at waking him, I just left him to sleep on the floor for a couple hours. :)
Oh man I am busting up laughing although I know you don't think it is funny at all. That last picture of him asleep on the floor is hilarious. Sounds to me like you need a cage! Maybe you should create one and sell it, I'm sure you could make millions with all the parents going through your same problem. I cannot believe he JUMPS out of his crib, so scary! Hopefully it gets better, I'm sorry!
Dani! I loved this post! Oh the realities of motherhood. So much fun. I miss you! I hope life is wonderful in Utah. We should talk soon! - Court
The only advice I can give you is to stay strong-don't give up those naps are priceless. The little squirt is testing you-- enjoy the lovely twos!! I have to say I used to feel guilty because Riley would get a little spanking because he would not settle down and go to sleep when was little and he turned out ok so I guess i didn't ruin him too badly!!
hey Dani. I feel your pain! Jordan did that also. He was around the same age. One thing I did for his naps was to rock him to sleep. At night after putting him back in bed a few times, I had to start being kind of a meanie and giving him consequences like "if you get up again I'll have to shut the door all the way" or take away the little car I would let him sleep with. He's good now but I had to stop giving him naps at around 2 1/2 yrs old so he would stay in bed at night. It is hard giving up that hour or so of free time for your self. We just put Kasey in a toddler bed last week but so far I don't think he knows he can climb out if he wants! ha. Hang in there. Like nanny 911, keep putting him back in bed and be firm. Funny, Kasey also says "mommy the sun is up so it's time to wake up."
I have heard the transition from crib to bed is a hard one, but it wont last forever, he will get it soon! I love, love, love his bed! I remember when you got it, your dad is one talented man!
i am so sorry - but i am laughing soooo hard right now. our boys are identical!!!!! it was so hard getting jack in a big boy bed - it changed everything. naps were not happening, bedtime at night was taking hours. it was exausting. so you know what we did... we switched the lock on the door to the outside and locked him in. so sad - but it worked. he would get out of bed and cry for a while, try the door a few times and then just fall asleep on the floor or crawl back in bed.
it has now been 6 months and he is just barely to the point where we can leave the door unlocked.
we need to get our boys together. i love the kangaroo zoo. e-mail me your cell and i will call you and we can start planning something!
Ha ha Dani! You are so cute and funny. Sorry you have to deal with this all day--I wish I was down the street so we could hit the gym, Sonic, and Forever once in a while! I miss you and Triston so much! I hope things get better with his sleeping schedule. Love ya!
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